Useful Links.
Play Football.
Re-register to play, find a team, register as a coach, manager or volunteer. For Play Football Support, please contact (02) 8880 7983.
Register to play for Normo.
To get started you may need your credit/debit card details, a passport-style photo to upload, and a Working with Children Check.
Competition fixtures.
All the information regarding fixtures, results, ladders, Club Championships, clubs and grounds.
NorthWest Sydney Football.
NWSF delivers local competitions in the Summer and Winter for all ages and abilities. Our games start from Under 6 through to Over 45s, Masters and Walking. Our staff and board work hard to provide competitions for people of all genders.North West Sydney Football is the governing body for Football within the North Western districts of Sydney.
Injuries and Insurance.
The Football NSW Insurance Programme website is provided so that Players & Club Administrators may have immediate access to the policy benefits and procedures of the insurance programme.
FFA Concussion Policy
This document sets out the guiding principles and provides general advice regarding the management of concussion in football in Australia. These Guidelines have been produced by Football Federation Australia (FFA).
Hornsby Council Ground Closures
To prevent damage to the Shire's sporting fields they are closed during wet weather.
You can find the status of each field here. -
Ryde Council Ground Status
To find out if the sports grounds are closed due to wet weather, please call the Council's Wet Weather Information Line on 9952 8244. You are also able to subscribe to the Sportsground Status page.
Parramatta Council Ground Closures
Call the Wet weather line on 02 9294 8586 for the most up-to-date information. City of Parramatta provides up-to-date sports ground closure information in the Local Government Area. Users are encouraged to monitor the information daily, as grounds can remain closed for several days after a period of rain.
Hunters Hill Council Ground Status
In the event of wet weather, updates to the status of Council’s sports grounds will be published on this page by 2pm weekdays. If grounds are closed by 2pm on a Friday, the field will remain closed until the following Monday when another assessment will occur.
NWSF Football Resources
North West Sydney Football is the governing body for Football within the North Western districts of Sydney. Search website for equipment information, forms, sponsorships, grants, insurance, referees, regulations and more.
North West Sydney Football Referees Association
North West Sydney Football Referees Association (NWSFRA) is one of the largest associations in NSW with over 400 referees. Our referees are appointed to local grassroots competitions (NWSF), school matches, state competition football, such as Youth and Premier league.